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Setup an Error/Bug Reporting Solution

Use Github’s issue tracker, or JIRA, or anything. Keeping track of issues, enhancements, and bugs in progress helps tremendously down the line.

Setup a Contact Form

Simple email forms or using other services like Reddit or even forums can help users give you suggestions and criticism.


Document how the application works, the deployment progress, and anything else you can! Those who do future maintenance will thank you.

Backup/Restore Strategy

Have a backup strategy and a restore strategy.

Version Control Your Project

Use Subversion, Mecurial, Git to version control your files. Preferably Git ;) .

Setup Unit Tests/Acceptance Tests/Regression Test etc

Getting any type of tests is very useful, especially acceptance testing and integration testing.

Setup Logging

Log any application errors, user errors, exceptions, etc.


Mobile types. Continue reading

Web Standards

Published on January 04, 2015

User Interface

Published on January 04, 2015