APIs, Complexity, and Surfaces


Maintaining growing software is challenging. Poorly architected APIs and incorrect abstractions can significantly impact the ability for engineering teams to deliver new features in a timely manner. If we consider an API's complixty as being a significant contributor to its overhead, maintainability, and ease of use, then it becomes a question of how do we best measure this complexity so that we can make informed decisions about how to refactor and improve our APIs.

We will consider an API as an abstract set of functions, each with a defined set of input parameters and outputs. An API can represent a library, an interface, or a set of functions in a design system.

An API as a Surface

A good API minimizes the complexity that a consumer needs to understand in order to use it. If we think o fan API as an abstract two dimensional surface, then the complexity of the internals of the API - all the code that is required to implement the API - is the area of that surface. The API that is exposed as functions, input parameters, and outputs is the perimeter of that surface. This follows from the conscept that an API should act as a "black box" - the consumer should not need to know how the API is implemented in order to use it.

From this metaphor, we can also think of the "best" API as one that minimizes the perimeter of the surface while maximizing the necessary area of the surface.

The Complexity of a Surface

The percieved complexity of an API can be influenced by the number of functions, the numbner of parameters, and the number of return values.

We will not be considering the internal state of the services that consumers may need to manage. Instead, we will focus on "idempotent" functions - those that do not have side effects and do not require any state to be managed.

Abstractly, we can denote the API Surface SS as a set of functions fif_i, where the complexity of each function fif_i is given by c(fi)c(f_i), and the overall complexity of the surface is given by:

C(S)=i=1nc(fi)C(S) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} c(f_i)

where nn is the number of functions in the surface.

As we increase the number of functions in the surface, the complexity of the surface is also expected to increase.

The Complexity of a Function

The complexity of a function fif_i can be influenced by the number of input parameters, their values, and the number of return values.

Take for example a function f(x:boolean):booleanf(x: boolean): boolean that takes a single boolean input and returns a boolean value. The complexity of this function is relatively low - there are only two possible input values and two possible output values.

If we jump to a function f(x:boolean,y:boolean,z:boolean):booleanf(x: boolean, y: boolean, z: boolean): boolean then the complexity of this function is higher - there are now 23=82^3 = 8 possible input values and two possible output values.

As we increase the number of input parameters, we increase the number of combinations of input values that the function can accept. This increases the complexity of the function:

c(fi)=pp+rc(f_i) = \prod_{p} |p| + |r|

where pp is the set of input parameters, rr is the set of return values, and p|p| is size of the set of input parameters and r|r| is the size of the set of return values. By "size" we mean the number of "meaningful" values that a parameter type has. For example, a boolean has two meaningful, but an integer may have an infinite range of non-meaningful values. In some languages, like C, it is common for an integer to have meaningful values of -1 and 0, and non-meaningful values of all other integers. In the case where the integer is simply a number, we would consider the size of the parameter to be 1, while the size of a C-like integer to be the number of "special" cases the integer has.

Aaron Luu, in his article Don't use boolean alludes to this exponential potential for complexity when using boolean values.

Tests as Consumers

Interestingly, the test for an API already act as a consumer and can demonstrate the complexity of an API as it stives to cover all possible branches and use-cases. For our function with 3 boolean inputs, we would need to write 8 tests to cover all possible input combinations. A suite of tests that check tons of combinations of inputs and outputs is a good indicator that the API is complex.

Techniques for Reducing Complexity

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are some techniques that can help reduce complexity.

First is to identify if the parameters are truly independent. For example, let's take the example:

f(x: boolean, y: Data | undefined): boolean

If the value of yy is only meaningful when xx is true, then we can consider yy to be a dependent parameter. If we write out a matrix of possible inputs:

  • x: true, y: Data
  • x: false, y: Data
  • x: true, y: undefined
  • x: false, y: undefined

We can see that the value of yy is only meaningful when xx is true.

When we have dependent parameters, we can consider using the type-system to help us manage the complexity. For example, we could just simplify the function to allow only valid inputs:

f(x: Data | false): boolean

Depending on the values of Data, this simplifies the complexity of the function by half.

Another technique is to consider reducing boolean inputs to a single enum-like input type. For example, simplifying 3 boolean parameters into a single enum-like parameter:

f(x: 'all'  | 'none' | 'some'): boolean

This reduces the number of possible input combinations from 8 to 3.


This is one simple way to measure the complexity of an API, which shows that the bigger the surface area, the more complex the API. The majority of this complexity comes from thee combinations of input parameters and return values. By reducing the number of input parameters and return values, we can reduce the complexity of the API.

This is by no means the only way to measure the complexity of an API, but it is a useful way to think about the complexity of an API in terms of the number of possible input and output combinations.