Component Library Checklist


The following is a checklist I like to use to ensure I'm covering all the bases when building a component library. It's a work in progress, but I hope it can be useful to others.

Visual Language

  • Color
    • Palettes, by category
    • Dark mode
  • Typography
    • Headings
    • Text
    • Paragraph
    • Lead paragraphs
    • Readable text
  • Iconography
    • Icons
    • Meaning
  • Space
    • Units / measurements


  • Block quote
  • Unordered list
  • Ordered list
  • Internal link
  • External link
  • Code


  • Buttons
    • Primary
    • Secondary
    • Button groups
    • Menu buttons
    • Split buttons
    • Floating action button
    • Brand buttons (Google, FB, Discord)


  • Form controls
    • Text input
    • Email/number/other variant inputs
    • Multi-line text area
    • Radio and radio group
    • Checkbox and checkbox group
    • Select
    • File upload
    • Label
    • Required label
    • Switch
    • Slider
    • Calendar picker
    • Rich text editor
  • Form structure


  • Divider
  • Box
  • Marketing grid
  • App grid
  • Page transitions
  • Resopnsive breakpoints


  • Image
  • Avatar
  • Code block
  • Footnotes
  • Thumbnails
  • Video
  • Map widget

UI Components

  • Alerts
  • Accordion
  • Back to top
  • Badges/tags/chips/pills
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Caption
  • Cards
    • Panel
    • Callout
  • Chat
  • Comments
  • Tables
    • Data table
    • Property table
  • Drawer
  • Filters
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Error (standard error handler)
  • Loading / spinner / shimmer
  • Toast
  • Notification / badge (dot)
  • Modal
  • Pagination
  • Popover
  • Progress bar
  • Search
  • Sidebar
  • Sort by
  • Tabs
  • Tooltips


  • Action bar / toolbar
  • Main menu / Megamenu
  • Inline menu


  • Contact us
  • Cookie notification
  • Hero billboard
  • Hero carousel
  • Legend
  • Pull quote
  • Ratings
  • Reviews
  • Social networking
  • Status (alpha, beta)
  • Tips / tutorial

UI Patterns

  • Authentication
  • Create account
  • Permissions
  • Purchase/checkout
  • Settings
  • Site / app structure