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The Breaking Point - Understanding the performance of your systems

Every system has its limits. When designing and architecting systems, sometimes we as engineers like to assume things can scale infinitely. Maybe we can use larger machines, or maybe we can deploy more instances of a service. But even trying to scale systems isn’t magically infinite. It’s a smart move to understand the limitations of what we are building upfront so we can make better technology choices, and squeeze the performance out of our existing systems.

Looking back on Clarity Hub

In my projects list on this blog is a set of projects related to Clarity Hub. This was a startup I did with a group of friends where we aimed to create software to enable software product teams to gather customer feedback, and then action on it.

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My e-book on WAX Smart Contract development that guides developers through the process of creating a non-fungible token (NFT) smart contract.

WAX smart contract development course that guides developers through the process of creating a non-fungible token (NFT) smart contract.